Cisco Blogs / Balázs Szabó
Balázs Szabó
Founder of
Balazs is an entrepreneur, the founder of Balazs has a business background (having an Msc in International Management) with solid technical understanding. He is an active advocate of the European startup ecosystem as the organizer of startup and VC focused events. He is a Forbes guest contributor and respected blogger of the regional startup community. He is passionate about building the Budapest based IoT community. His special area of interest is the connected cars. Balazs is the Global Development Board Member of Kairos Society, a global community of entrepreneurs solving global problems while creating businesses.
Building an IoT Company in Europe
Building an IoT company is a great opportunity to work on things you have never done before. Here is a list of my conclusions with brief anecdotes about the difficulties of building az IoT company.
Choose the size of your funding need wisely
When we started, our pre-seed angel investor suggested t…